Create Search Optimized Website, Developed Web Tools, Established Lead Generation
Our client is a leading American Utility Truck Manufacturer, and a holding of the a Private Equity Firm. Our methodology was to build a new communication platforms that would meaningfully support revenue growth and prepare the ownership for a favorable exit. Starting with a deep-dive into the products, services, and people at Versalift, we built an understanding of the company’s value proposition, and then established a common language between the internal sales team, the engineering team and the company’s acquired partners. Having achieved clarity, we set out to build a world class, brand-forward website that reflected new messaging, while incorporating those best practice principles that would help it win across more than 100 relevant search terms in Google search.
- Ranked #124th/p.13 on Google Search; poor sales communications, needed product training program;
- Inability for sales team to accurately find specifications for products, mixed communication messaging
- No Parts support online
- No clear communication strategy, varied accuracy in product specs
- Hard to find company across tangible keywords that describe products and services
- Best in Class website for industry.
- Demonstrable lead generation asset for the company with direct contribution to EBITDA
- E-commerce site for Parts and Service Support
- Web & Mobile-enabled filter tool implemented for improving sales enablement for Global Workforce. Best in class Training Program, integration of acquired companies for seamless communications.
- Top of Google Search generating hundreds of new leads monthly
- Relaunched mobile compliant website with over 600 pages of new content
- New decision-making web tool used by 40% of visitors and sales staff
- Best in Class virtual training program
- Launched Brand Management Strategy covering 4 Continents and 5 acquisitions
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